Det er mangen bursdagar framøve og Tia Mia er i full gang med å lage lys.
Ho stooor kosar seg mens ho driv på. Men nok med to om gongen.. ellers blir ein fort utålmodig ;)
There are many birthdays to come and Tia Mia is in the process of making candles.
She really enjoying herself while she makes them. But it's probably two at a time ..otherwise it soon becomes impatient;)
She really enjoying herself while she makes them. But it's probably two at a time ..otherwise it soon becomes impatient;)
Full konsentrasjon :) Ho e flink denna tytto.. ho e ikkje tre år endå :)
Full concentration:) She's good this girl .. she's not three years yet:)
"Smil då"... so kjem detta opp tihihi..
"Smile" ... and this comes up LOL ..
Mamma ha klypt ut og fått magnolia jentene på lyse.
Og her viser Tia Mia stålt fram lysa sine..
Mum has cut out and taken the magnolia-girls on the light .
And here shows Tia Mia proudly her lights ..
"Eg brenne lysene no, mamma"
"I burn the candles now, Mom"
Søte lys og søt jenta :)
Sweet lights and sweet girl:)
Hihi ho måtte ha ein finger med på detta bilde og ;)
Sjå kor flink ho e.. Eg har fortalt ho ka farge som skal kor, so ha ho gjort alt sjølv.
Klemmar frå ei litt kry mamma ;)
Hihi she had to have a finger on this image;)
See how good she is .. I told her what colors to be where, so she has done everythingherself.
Hugs from a bit proud mom;)
See how good she is .. I told her what colors to be where, so she has done everythingherself.
Hugs from a bit proud mom;)